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Loading game worlds

While we have introduced the GUI and entity component systems at several occasions:

  1. todo

this document provides an overview of how the Cafu programs actually instantiate a game world that is composed of game entities.

All Cafu programs can load game worlds, i.e. the game server, client, the world editor CaWE and the compile tools. We will use the server's code for reference, but as the code is similar in all programs, we will cover the specifics of other programs as well.

Also use the class diagram in Ca3DE/ClassDiagram.dia besides this text for reference.

The server loads a game world by creating a CaServerWorldT instance which derives from Ca3DEWorldT.

The Ca3DEWorldT's const WorldT* m_World member contains the data from the BSP, PVS and Radiosity compile process: for each static entity, it has the BSP tree, a collision model, lightmaps, etc. ( FIXME not only static, but in fact for all entities in the cmap? ) This data is later correlated to (and becomes a component of) the main entity instances cf::GameSys::EntityT.

The Ca3DEWorldT keeps an instance of a cf::UniScriptStateT. This script state is a Lua instance to which later our objects are bound so that we then can write code such as:

local new_ent = world:new("EntityT", "left_wing")
new_ent:GetTransform():set("Origin", 480, -352, 104)

Note that both game entities and GUI windows, our two sibling component systems, can be instantiated in the script state of a Ca3DEWorldT.

cppdev/loadinggameworlds.txt ยท Last modified: 2017-05-09 10:53 by Carsten