Cafu Engine
ComponentLightT Class Reference

The common base class for light source components. More...

Inheritance diagram for ComponentLightT:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from ComponentBaseT
any get (string var_name)
 Returns the value of an attribute (a member variable) of this class. More...
 set (string var_name, any new_value)
 Sets an attribute (a member variable) of this class to a new value. More...
string GetExtraMessage (string var_name)
 Returns the result of VarBaseT::GetExtraMessage() for the given member variable. More...
 interpolate (string var_name, number start_value, number end_value, number time)
 Schedules a value for interpolation between a start and end value over a given period of time. More...
EntityT GetEntity ()
 Returns the entity that this component is a part of (or nil if the component is currently "stand-alone", not a part of any entity). More...
 InitClientApprox (string VarName)
 Registers the given attribute (a member variable) of this class for interpolation over client frames in order to bridge the larger intervals between server frames. More...
 OnInit ()
 This method is called for each component of each entity as the last step of initializing a newly loaded map. More...
 OnClientFrame (number t)
 This method is called for each component of each entity before the client renders the next frame. More...

Detailed Description

The common base class for light source components.

Implementing C++ Class: