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The Window Classes

The class of a window determines its most crucial features, e.g. if it displays text, if the user can enter text, if it shows a value as a slider control, if it presents a list of items to select from, etc. This section presents the window classes that are available for use in a cgui script.


This is the most commonly used, general-purpose, all-in-one window class. It displays a given text in a rectangular box, whose features are widely configurable via the predefined, built-in methods.


This class has all the features of a windowClass window, but additionally allows the user to edit the text (enter new text, delete text, etc.). Optionally, a blinking text cursor is rendered to indicate the current key input position (FIXME This is not yet implemented).

Note that as with any other window, keyboard input is only received and processed if the window has the keyboard input focus. Therefore, you may want use the gui:setFocus(myEditWin); method in order to set the keyboard input from a script.


Other special-purpose window classes have not yet been implemented, but will be added as soon as there is need for them.

guisys/window_classes.1297940263.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2013-01-07 12:07 (external edit)