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The Edit Menu


Revokes the last action performed by the editor.


Restores the last revoked action.


Cuts the currently selected objects from the map and stores a copy of the selection in the clipboard (requires The Selection Tool).


Stores a copy of the currently selected objects in the clipboard (requires The Selection Tool).


Pastes the content from the clipboard into the map.

Paste Special...

Opens the Paste Special dialog.


Deletes the currently selected objects from the map (requires The Selection Tool).

Select None

Cancels the current selection.

Select All

Selects all objects on the map.

Find Entities...

Opens the Find Entities dialog.

Object Properties

Opens the Object Properties dialog for the selected object (requires The Selection Tool).

mapping/cawe/menureference/edit.txt ยท Last modified: 2013-01-07 12:07 (external edit)