The examples of material definitions that we have seen so far were only composed of texture map specifications. In the MatSys Introduction we have learned that internally, “shaders” take materials to finally implement how they are rendered and how they look. In cases like our example materials above, the MatSys selects shaders from a built-in library automatically, picking the one that best fits the material.
But what if you want to change the way how your materials are rendered, either just in the details or radically from ground up? What if you don't want regular Phong lighting? Or you want an entirely different method to render diffuse-maps or a different way to combine them with normal-maps? What if the built-in shaders don't cover a way of rendering that you prefer? It also happens that the built-in shaders do not take cube-maps into account at all, so what if you want to have a material with cube-map environment reflections?
The answer to these questions is two-fold: You have to override the automatic shader selection by assigning a shader manually. But you also have to “know” that shader: You have to know its name, or you cannot assign it to your material. You have to know wether it needs a diffuse-map or a cube-map or both, or any other combination of texture map images, so that you can specify them in your material definition. Sometimes you have to know even more details about it.
The good news is that the MatSys renderers have more shaders built-in than just those that are considered during the automatical selection. They are documented below, inclusive sample material definitions, and you can use them to override the auto-selection. Alternatively, if you know or are a programmer, you can also make your own shaders. By making own shaders you gain the greatest flexibility that you can get, because only shaders eventually define how materials look, and shaders can do everything that the underlying hardware can do! Creating own shaders is documented at Writing_Shaders.
There is another issue that you should know about shaders: Each material gets not only one shader assigned, but two. This is because the Cafu Material System renders materials in two steps: First, the ambient part of a material is rendered, that is, everything that is rendered even if no light source is present. The ambient shader of a material is responsible for how this part is rendered. Then, the parts of the material looks that are contributed by each light source are rendered separately, as for example diffuse reflections, specular highlights and other effetcs. The per-light-source contributions are controlled by the light shader of a material.
You set the ambient and light shader of a material (and thereby override the automatic selection) with the following keywords in the material definitions body:
AmbientShader MyAmbientShader
assigns the shader with name MyAmbientShader
as the ambient shader to this material.LightShader MyLightShader
assigns the shader with name MyLightShader
as the per-light-source shader to this material.Here is an example for how these statements could be used in a material definition:
Textures/Kai/barrel_rst { AmbientShader myCarMetallicBlue_ambient LightShader myCarMetallicBlue_light diffusemap Textures/Kai/barrel_rst_diff.png normalmap flipNMyAxis(Textures/Kai/barrel_rst_norm.png) cubeMap Textures/SkyDomes/ReflectiveCubeMap#.jpg }
Currently, all MatSys renderers come with several special-purpose shaders built-in (special-purpose means that they are never taken into account for automatic assignment). In most cases, they are actually pairs of shaders, one shader for the ambient and one shader for the per-light contribution of the same effect, but you will find that the exception to this rule is more often true than not. More built-in shaders are currently in preparation, for example for special effects like cube-map environment reflections, realistic water surfaces, etc. Note that any programmer can also write his own shaders, allowing him to implement any rendering effect that he wants! This makes the MatSys highly flexible, extensible and future-proof, and was one of its primary design goals. Writing own shaders is documented at Writing_Shaders.
The following special-purpose shaders are currently built into all renderers of the MatSys. Please note these shaders and their related examples are pretty advanced, and you might want to skip them until later. It may be convenient to first finish reading the rest of this documentation, which will help to fully understand the special-purpose shader examples.
In order to create surfaces that are invisible like fully transparent glass and instead only show the far sky dome beyond them, the ambient shader A_SkyDome
exists. It basically only requires a cube-map for the sky to be specified. In fact, it ignores the specification of any other (i.e. diffuse-, normal-, etc.) maps. However, in most cases you'll want to specify additional keywords that further describe the properties of the sky surfaces. Here is an example:
Textures/SkyDomes/PK_BrightDay2 { // Activate the A_SkyDome shader as the ambient shader AmbientShader A_SkyDome // Have no dynamic light affect surfaces with this material. LightShader none noDynLight // The '#' in the next line is auto-replaced with the relevant suffixes (_px, _ny, ...). cubeMap Textures/SkyDomes/PK_BrightDay2#.png, wrapS clampToEdge, wrapT clampToEdge // Don't write into the z-Buffer, so that entities (like missiles) outside of the map can still be drawn. ambientMask d // This material does not cast dynamic shadows. noShadows // Don't create or keep lightmaps for this material, don't participate in Radiosity computations. meta_noLightMap // This keyword states that this material casts sunlight. meta_sunlight // The irradiance of the sunlight in Watt/m^2 that comes (or shines) through this material. // Values like (100 90 80) might work, too. (220 180 100) // The direction of the incoming sunlight rays. The z-component should be negative. // (These values match the actual position of the sun in the cube-maps.) (-17 -699 -715) }
The AmbientShader A_SkyDome
line activates the ambient sky dome shader. Note that the far away sky dome is not affected by light of any dynamic light source, and therefore we assign the none
shader as the per-lightsource shader in order to make sure that no dynamic light is applied to sky surfaces. The noDynLight
keyword does essentially the same as LightShader none
and will soon be obsoleted. Until then, please use it together with each occurrence of LightShader none
The cubeMap …
statement specifies the cube-map that is to be used for this sky. If you also specified other texture maps like diffuse-maps or specular-maps, they would simply be ignored, as the A_SkyDome
shader has no use for them.
The remaining keywords further specify important properties of this material. Please refer to section Keyword Reference for a detailed description. Short explanations of their meanings are given in the comments in the above example.
The terrain shader exists in order to render the Cafu outdoor terrains, which work a bit different than regular, Phong-lit surfaces. You activate the ambient terrain shader by writing
AmbientShader A_Terrain
in the materials body. Normally, you would now to expect to also assign a terrain-specific shader for the per-lightsource contribution to the terrain, as in
LightShader L_Terrain
However, I have not yet written the L_Terrain
shader, and so we have to turn off dynamic lighting for terrains:
LightShader none noDynLight
Why do terrains not account for light by dynamic light sources? Well, there are several reasons:
But if for example somebody wanted to model an indoor cave with the Cafu terrain technique, having a shader that accounts for the light of dynamic light sources even on terrains would make a lot of sense. Good news is that, as indicated above, it is easy to write such a shader – I'll probably do so as soon as I need one.
Next, the A_Terrain
(and the future L_Terrain
) shader requires a diffuse-map to be specified. This diffuse-map will be scaled to match the physical size of the terrain, that is, it will cover the terrain completely. In order to get the edges of the terrain properly textured, it makes sense to also specify clampToEdge
border wrapping for the diffuse texture:
diffusemap Textures/Terrains/BPRockB_tx1.png, wrapS clampToEdge, wrapT clampToEdge lightmap $lightmap
As the Cafu map compile tools will also generate a lightmap for the terrain in order to e.g. take sunlight or other radiosity light sources into account, we specify the lightmap
keyword with the engine-supplied lightmap. Note that while the lighting of dynamic light-sources is not taken into account, the light of radiosity light sources is!
Next, the A_Terrain
shader employs the texture-map that is specified with the lumamap
keyword as a detail-map for the terrain. This is a good example for how the specification of a custom shader (here A_Terrain
) can entirely alter the meaning of a material keyword. We will see below how the coarseness (the repetition-count) of the detail-map is set.
lumamap Textures/Terrains/CommonDetail2.png // "A_Terrain" takes the Luma-map as Detail-map (optional).
The detail-map is optional, and may be omitted. However, terrains look a lot better with them, and so their use is recommended.
You may be wondering wether multiple detail-maps can be handled, as for example in FarCry, where they have a detail-map for beach sand, one for rocks, one for grass and one for pavement.
The answer is: The
shader can indeed not handle such detail maps. But as before, it would actually be easy to write such a shader as soon as one is needed!
Finally, you need this block of statements in the body of your material definition:
shaderParamExpr fParam4 // The first eight shader parameters are taken from fParam4 to fParam11 shaderParamExpr fParam5 // and specify the coefficients of two planes for automatic tex-coord generation. shaderParamExpr fParam6 shaderParamExpr fParam7 shaderParamExpr fParam8 shaderParamExpr fParam9 shaderParamExpr fParam10 shaderParamExpr fParam11 shaderParamExpr 21.3 // Scale / repetitions of the Detail-map.
The only thing that you may change here is the number of repetitions of the detail-map, 21.3 in the above example. The lines above that are required in order to get the terrain properly rendered and cannot reasonbly be altered.
For more information on what all the shaderParamExpr fParam*
lines do, please refer to section (TODO).
Here is a complete example for a terrain shader:
Terrains/BPRockB_tx1 { AmbientShader A_Terrain LightShader none noDynLight diffusemap Textures/Terrains/BPRockB_tx1.png, wrapS clampToEdge, wrapT clampToEdge lightmap $lightmap lumamap Textures/Terrains/CommonDetail2.png shaderParamExpr fParam4 // The first eight shader parameters are taken from fParam4 to fParam11 shaderParamExpr fParam5 // and specify the coefficients of two planes for automatic tex-coord generation. shaderParamExpr fParam6 shaderParamExpr fParam7 shaderParamExpr fParam8 shaderParamExpr fParam9 shaderParamExpr fParam10 shaderParamExpr fParam11 shaderParamExpr 21.3 // Scale / Repetitions of the Detail-map. twoSided // "twoSided" is required for the SOAR terrain algorithm. }
In order to turn a polygon into a translucent water surface with moving waves and reflected environment with Fresnel effect, employ the A_WaterCubeReflect
(This section is not complete!)
You can use the special none
shader both as an ambient or a per-lightsource shader in order to have no shader for ambient or per-lightsource contributions at all.
As you have seen in the examples above, this makes sense in several situations. Especially materials that are not affected by local, dynamic light sources often have the LightShader none
statement, as for example for sky dome. Note that currently, you still have to combine any LightShader none
statement with the noDynLight
statement in order to take proper effect. The noDynLight
will however become obsolete in future releases of the Cafu Material System.
Using AmbientShader none
is much less frequently useful, and almost only ever employed for “invisible” materials. Note that AmbientShader none
also implies LightShader none
. Also, in order to take proper effect, the noDraw
keyword is required with each occurrence of AmbientShader none
, but that requirement will be removed and noDraw
be obsoleted in future versions of the MatSys.