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The ccm Library

The functions of the ccm (Console Command Manager) library allow you to run console functions and to set and get the values of console variables as if they had been typed into the Ca3DE in-game console by the user.


Executes the console command s as if the user had typed it to the Ca3DE in-game console directly. Use this to run console functions and to set the values of console variables.


Nothing (nil).


    -- Run the confunc "list" with the parameter "he".
    ccm.ExecuteCommand("list he");
    -- Set the value of the convar "quit" to true.
    ccm.ExecuteCommand("quit 1");


Retrieves the value of the convar s. The returned value can be of type string, integer, boolean or number, depending on the type of the convar, or nil if a convar with name s does not exist.


Nothing (nil).


scripting/ccm.1158513771.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2013-01-07 12:07 (external edit)