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The Console Library

With the functions in the Console library you can output text on the Ca3DE in-game console.


Prints the string s to the Ca3DE in-game console.

    -- Example:
    Console.Print("Hello!\n");   -- Prints "Hello" to the in-game console.


Prints a developer message to the in-game console.

If the “developer” console variable is set, this prints the string s, prepended by “[Dev]”, to the Ca3DE in-game console. If the “developer” console variable is not set, nothing is printed.

    -- Example:
    Console.DevPrint("Hello!\n");   -- Prints "[Dev] Hello" to the in-game console (in developer mode).


Prints a warning to the Ca3DE in-game console. This is the same as function Print(s), except that the text “Warning:” is prepended to the output.

    -- Example:
    Console.Warning("Problem here!\n");   -- Prints "Warning: Problem here!" to the in-game console.
    Console.Print  ("Warning: ".."Problem here!\n");   -- Same result as above.


Prints a developer warning to the in-game console.

If the “developer” console variable is set, this prints the string s, prepended by “[Dev] Warning:”, to the Ca3DE in-game console. If the “developer” console variable is not set, nothing is printed.

    -- Example:
    Console.DevWarning("Problem here!\n");   -- Prints "[Dev] Warning: Problem here!" to the in-game console (in dev. mode).
scripting/console.1156077833.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013-01-07 12:07 (external edit)