When you have finished editing a map in CaWE, you'll want to run it with Cafu. The engine however requires that the map is in a precomputed form, and this section describes how you turn your map into a fully precomputed world file.
In order to use CaBSP, CaPVS and CaLight “by hand” (rather than from within CaWE), you should be familiar with the command-line interface of Windows or Linux, because these programs just cannot be started by a simple double-click on them.
Under Windows, you can open the command-line window by opening “Programs → Accessories → Command Prompt” (in German: “Programme → Zubehör → Eingabeaufforderung”) from the Start menu. Initially, the window shows the directory you are currently in. You can browse into the parent directory by typing cd ..
, as for example in
C:\Windows> cd .. C:\>
and you can enter a directory by typing
C:\> cd directoryname C:\directoryname>
(Replace “directoryname” with the name of the directory that you want to open.) Other useful commands are dir
that shows all files that are in the directory you are currently in and e:
(for example) to change the current hard drive.
In order to run the programs with the commands presented below, you'll first have to browse into the directory they are in (which is the Cafu-9.06
This program takes a cmap map file and creates a cw (Cafu world) file from it. Example:
C:\Cafu-9.06> CaBSP Games/DeathMatch/Maps/MyMap.cmap Games/DeathMatch/Worlds/MyMap.cw
WARNING: The specified destination file (
in the above example) gets
overwritten without prior notice! This is also true for mis-spelt file names.
For example, if you type Games/DeathMatch/Maps/MyMap.cmap
instead of
– catastrophe!
As with most other computer software, in order to prevent a disaster,
please backup your files before you begin!
For quick tests during world development, you might want to skip the next two compiling steps (CaPVS and CaLight). You can run the file obtained from the CaBSP tool directly in the Cafu engine. It will be unlit and without PVS information (which results in a lower frame rate), but is usually sufficient for early tests.
This program creates the Potentially Visibility Set for your worlds. Example:
C:\Cafu-9.06> CaPVS Games/DeathMatch/Worlds/MyMap.cw
Even though the latest versions of CaPVS have become fast enough to deal with even the most complex worlds within reasonable time bounds, sometimes it may still be preferable to obtain faster results (at the cost of accuracy).
Before you read on, though, my advice is to simply skip the rest of this section, and continue with the next.
Why? Well, the compile switches introduced below were made at a time when CaPVS was inherently slower.
Since then, it has undergone many algorithmic improvements, and the switches were only left for safety and as a last resort.
I hardly ever use them myself (although their implementation is interesting), and nowadays never use them for release compiles
(the worst world I have takes 27 hours on a 866 MHz Pentium III this way).
During world development, you should skip CaPVS entirely rather than trying to tune it for faster compilation.
Also keep in mind that the proper use of func_detail_object
entities can have a big impact on
performance in general, and on CaPVS compile time in particular.
Anyway, the latest version of this tool has two new command line switches that were made to lower its compile times by effectively trading quality for speed. Both switches control the creation of SuperLeaves. To understand what SuperLeaves are, you must first have a rough idea what leaves are: Leaves are spatial convex cells into which CaBSP subdivides your world and in which the action of the game takes place later on. Simplified spoken, you can imagine that each room of your world corresponds to a leaf. CaPVS then determines the PVS by calculating if any unobstructed lines of sight exist between any pair of two leaves. It is not only the sheer number of leaves that makes the computation so slow, but also their spatial relations among each other. In some cases, there are unnecessarily too many leaves for the purposes of CaPVS, and it is preferable to merge some of them. Thus, a SuperLeaf is a set or a group of simple leaves. One could say that SuperLeaves subdivide the world in cells as leaves do, but the subdivision is “coarser” than with the simple leaves. When you run CaPVS on a world, it tells you how many SuperLeaves it constructed from the simple leaves. By default (without command line switches), the SuperLeaves are identical to the simple leaves, as is their number.
Now about the actual switches: Running CaPVS without any parameters (not even a world name) will print out a self-explaining usage information. I'll not repeat it here, but rather give you some tips on the usage of the two mentioned switches. Note that you always trade quality for speed, but the compromise is usually a very good one (quality remains high even for quite fast compiles).
In general, try to reduce the compile time with care.
If the situation was actually hopeless before, it does not make sense to use the switches to bring
the compile time down to a few minutes or seconds. (That would be more like not running CaPVS at all.)
Rather, a good idea would be to send me an email with a brief description of the problem, along with the world you are trying to compile
(I'll only believe that you created a world that's too hard for CaPVS after I've seen it myself ).
Then, consider two strategies: You can either choose to work “top-down” by choosing the parameters such that the number of SuperLeaves is gradually reduced in small steps. The quality remains high, but the downside is that you possibly have to wait another long time until you know if the reduction was enough.
Thus, I'd recommend a “bottom-up” approach: Initially reduce the number of SuperLeaves a lot, start with a quite small number. If CaPVS then takes only a few minutes, but you want it rather to spend some hours, adjust the parameter values carefully so that the number of SuperLeaves increases slowly and gradually. You'll probably have to re-try and experiment a few times until you get a feel of it.
Finally, you should prefer the -minAreaSL
switch over the -maxRecDepthSL
because the former is more sensitive to the actual world geometry.
Do not worry about high numbers on -minAreaSL
When I last used it, I usually had values ranging from 1,000,000 to 5,000,000.
This program calculates the lighting for a map. This program can take very long too, but you have better control over it by specifying command line switches. Examples:
C:\Cafu-9.06> CaLight C:\Cafu-9.06> CaLight Games/DeathMatch/Worlds/MyMap.cw C:\Cafu-9.06> CaLight Games/DeathMatch/Worlds/MyMap.cw -BlockSize 8 -StopUE 2 C:\Cafu-9.06> CaLight Games/DeathMatch/Worlds/MyMap.cw -fast
The first line prints out detailed usage information for the CaLight tool, the second line runs default lighting, which is recommended for most cases. The third and fourth lines are for very fast lighting, which is useful for quick tests during map development.
Please note that it is almost never reasonable to set BlockSize below 3 and StopUE below 0.1 for highest quality lighting, even though that is possible (some of the worlds of the Cafu demo releases were compiled with a StopUE of 0.05).
During the second phase of the computations (“bounce lighting”), note that you can interrupt the program
by pressing the SPACE
button. That's sometimes useful for quick tests during map development.
Finally, a word about memory consumption: CaLight requires plenty of it! I would recommend to run CaLight only on computers with at least 1 GB of RAM, it may or may not run with less.
If permanent swapping (extensive disk activity) occurs during the bounce lighting phase of CaLight, better abort it!
Under such circumstances, it will proceed very slow anyway, and the lengthy swap activity is certainly not healthy for your hard-disk.
If not already there, copy your world into the Games/DeathMatch/Worlds
if you made the world for the DeathMatch MOD, or into the Games/OtherMOD/Worlds
directory of the MOD you made the world for.
Then simply run Cafu.exe
as stated in the user manual of the current demo release.
Your world will be listed among the other worlds in the dialogs world list (“server options”).